How and why create logo? A logo could be described as a symbol composed of words, images, and colors used to identify a brand or product.
There is an endless variety of logotypes in shapes and sizes, ranging from very simple to highly abstract symbols.
The concept of the logo has existed for a long time. One could say it dates back to the cave drawings of early humans and the symbols they used to communicate or identify themselves.
Although over time many things have changed and the appearance may be different, the basic concept of a logo remains “recognition.”
It’s important to understand that create a logo for a brand is not about selling directly; it’s about identification. It’s like the soul of your company, recognizable and capable of evoking positive or meaningful sentiments. A logo should convey the essence of your brand across all visual elements and marketing channels.
Here’s how a logo can benefit your company or personal brand:
- Make a lasting first impression with your logo: your logo is the perfect tool to create a memorable first impression that captures your customers’ attention and piques their interest. It’s often the first and most visible aspect of your brand to your audience.
- Helping you stand out: An unforgettable logo should be different enough to stay in the minds of consumers.
- Give identity to your brand: It’s essential to have a distinctive and cohesive look that immediately establishes what your brand represents and how it will be perceived. This is known as brand identity, and it refers to the specific visual appearance that your brand will develop
When we talk about a logo, we consider many elements that make it up, but the most important thing to know is that it gives an image and prestige so that people can identify your brand.
By: Cristina Garcia (Admin Assistant by Venz Media)
Reference: WIX
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